ID : 1071
Type : Constrained Content : TEXT Mandatory : Yes Multiple values : No Unique : No |
Description : Centre NetSarc
Possible values :
Lyon CLB, KLEUVEN, MEDIPATH Toulouse, Saint-Louis, Mannheim, Cabinet de Reims, Centre Patho de Metz, Lausanne, Cabinet de Douai, Cabinet d’Amiens, Bruxelles, IHP Nantes, Paris Henri Mondor, Warsaw Cancer Center, Centre Patho Dijon, Heidelberg, Cabinet de la Roquette, Bonn, Cabinet Mathurin, Tübingen, LUMC, St Etienne ICLN-CHU, Haut-Lévèque Bordeaux, GHSN - LYON, Ambroise Paré APHP, CPS Strasbourg, Hôp. Civil Strasbourg, CHRU Montpellier, CHU Nancy, Rangueil Toulouse, Purpan Toulouse, CHRU Lille, CHRU Angers, Hôp. Nord Marseille, MEDIPATH (Frejus), APHP Bichat, APHP Saint-Antoine, Bordeaux Pellegrin, Lyon Edouard Herriot, Villejuif IGR, Hôp. Gabriel Montpied, CHRU De Dijon, Hôp. Pontchaillou, Hôp. Charles Nicolle, Hôp Pasteur, CHU Amiens, Labo. de Limoges, Service d'anapath de Brest, Cy-Path, Milan INT, Padova UNIPD, Cabinet de Rennes, Bergonié, Curie, Nice CAL, Dijon CGFL, Caen CFB, Marseille IPC, Nancy ICL, Lille COL, Montpellier ICM, Angers ICO, Nantes ICO , IUCT Toulouse, Strasbourg CHU, CJP, Timone, Cochin, Rennes CEM, Limoges Dupuytren, Tours Trousseau, Rouen CHB, Lyon IHOP, Nantes CHU, Reims IJG, Reims CHU, Besançon CHU, La Réunion CHU, Tenon, Pitié Salpétrière, CHRU Caen, CHRU Brest, Bicêtre, CHR ORLEANS, Nice CHU, Cabinet Bièvres, CHU POITIERS, OUEST PATHOLOGIE, DIAG (Nice), GRP 2 RIVES, HPL, Centre François Baclesse Luxembourg, CHU ESTAIN , MEDIPATH (Toulon) |
ID : 1031
Type : Free value Content : TEXT Mandatory : Yes Multiple values : No Unique : No |
Description : Patient initials : 4 characters (2 of Lastname, 2 of Firstname)Attention to compound names
ID : 140
Type : Free value Content : DATE Mandatory : Yes Multiple values : No Unique : No |
Description : The patient's birth date
ID : 141
Type : Constrained Content : TEXT Mandatory : Yes Multiple values : No Unique : No |
Description : The patient's gender
Possible values :
Female, Male |
ID : 181
Type : Free value Content : DATE Mandatory : No Multiple values : No Unique : No |
Description : The date when the patient has been created in the database
ID : 1032
Type : Constrained Content : TEXT Mandatory : No Multiple values : No Unique : No |
Description : Consent information
Possible values :
Uninformed, Addressed mail, No opposition, Opposition, Consent |
ID : 1
Type : Constrained Content : TEXT Mandatory : No Multiple values : Yes Unique : No |
Description : No: no significant previous historyNF1: presence of neurofibromatosis type 1 or Recklinghausen diseaseNF2: presence of neurofibromatosis type 2Radiation therapy: tumour developed in a previously radiated areaLymphoedema: tumour developed on a preexisting lymphoedemaGardner: presence of a Gardner syndromLi Fraumeni: presence of a Li Fraumeni diseasePrevious cancer: the patient has previously developed another cancer different from the current tumourOther: other significant previous history with a possible link with the current tumour
Possible values :
No, Previous cancer, NF1, NF2, Gardner syndrome, Li Fraumeni syndrome, Retinoblastoma syndrome, Immunodepressed - HIV, Immunodepressed - other, Ollier disease, Maffucci syndrome, Paget disease, Multiple osteochondromas, McCune-Albright syndrome, Rothmund-Thomson syndrome, Werner syndrome, Cherubism, Other genetic disease, Other, Unknown, Familial GISTs, Stratiakis-Carney dyad, Carney Triad, Other malignancy in family |
ID : 1018
Type : Free value Content : TEXT Mandatory : No Multiple values : No Unique : No |
Description :
ID : 76
Type : Free value Content : DATE Mandatory : No Multiple values : No Unique : No |
Description : Date of the last follow up evaluation or date of death
ID : 1075
Type : Constrained Content : TEXT Mandatory : No Multiple values : No Unique : No |
Description : Vital status at last contact
Possible values :
Alive, Dead |
ID : 1087
Type : Constrained Content : TEXT Mandatory : No Multiple values : No Unique : No |
Description : Diagnosis during pregnancy (CALG network enrollment)
Possible values :
Yes, No |
ID : 1089
Type : Constrained Content : TEXT Mandatory : No Multiple values : No Unique : No |
Description : Quality control NetSarc performed
Possible values :
Yes, No |
ID : 1090
Type : Free value Content : DATE Mandatory : No Multiple values : No Unique : No |
Description : Date of quality control
ID : 1091
Type : Constrained Content : TEXT Mandatory : No Multiple values : No Unique : No |
Description : point de départ du développement de la tumeur |
Possible values :
Soft tissue, Viscera, Bone |
ID : 2
Type : Constrained Content : TEXT Mandatory : Yes Multiple values : No Unique : No |
Description : Site of tumour according to the scroll menu
Possible values :
- Soft tissue - Head and neck - Superficial areas of head - Sinus and nasal fossa - Deep facial areas - Orbit - Anterior skull base - Ear - lateral skull base and nasoharynx - Oral cavity - oropharynx - Larynx - trachea - Visceral space of the neck - Neck NOS - Other - Trunk wall - Chest wall - Axilla - Abdominal wall - Trunk - paraspinal - Buttock - Groin - Internal trunk - Retroperitoneum - Peritoneum - Pelvis - Thorax internal - Large vessels - Paratesticular - Lower limb - Thigh - Knee - Leg - Ankle - Foot - Toe - Upper limb - Shoulder girdle - Upper arm - Elbow - Forearm - Wrist - Hand - Finger - Viscera - Gastro Intestinal tractus - Oesophagus - Stomach - Duodenum - Appendix - Small intestine - Colon - Rectum - Anus - Gyneacological area - Uterus - Ovary - Fallopian tube - Vagina - Vulva - Others - Breast - Lung - Heart - Pleura - Thymus - Thyroid - Kidney - Bladder - Ureter - Prostate - Testis - Epididymis - Penis - Spleen - Liver - Pancreas - Gallbladder - Salivary gland - Tonsil - Adrenal - Brain - Meninges - Lymph node - Bone - Skull and face bone - Skull NOS - Ethmoid - Superior maxilla - Mandible - Bone face - Upper airways - Larynx - Bronchus - Nasal septum - Spine - Cervical spine - Dorsal spine - Lumbar spine - Basin, sacrum, coccyx - Basin - Sacrum - Coccyx - Hip joint - Other thoracic bone - Rib - Sternum - Clavicle - Superior limb and shoulder - Bone shoulder girdle - Scapula - Shoulder joint - Humerus - Elbow joint - Ulna - Radius - Wirst joint - Hand bone NOS - Carpal (Hand) - Metacarpals (Hand) - Hand phalanges - Hand joint - Inferior limb - Femur - Patella - Knee joint - Tibia - Fibula - Ankle joint - Bone foot NOS - Tarsals (Foot) - Metatarsals (Foot) - Foot phalanges - Foot joint |
ID : 80
Type : Free value Content : INTEGER Mandatory : No Multiple values : No Unique : No |
Description : Largest diameter of the tumour expressed in mm
ID : 3
Type : Constrained Content : TEXT Mandatory : No Multiple values : No Unique : No |
Description : Superficial: the tumour is located above the superficial aponeurosis with no involvement of this aponeurosis Deep: the tumour is located beneath the superficial aponeurosis with no involvement of the area above this aponeurosis. Involvement of the aponeurosis is possibleSuperficial and deep: the tumour is located above and beneath the superficial aponeurosis
Possible values :
Superficial, Superficial and deep, Deep, Surface, Cortical, Intra-medullary |
ID : 9
Type : Constrained Content : TEXT Mandatory : No Multiple values : No Unique : No |
Description : Histotype of the primary tumour to be chosen in the scroll menu (2013 WHO classification, 0)
Possible values :
- Benign lesion - Benign adipocytic tumours - Angiolipoma - Angiomyolipoma - Chondroid lipoma - Hibernoma - Lipoblastoma/lipoblastomatosis - Lipoma - Lipomatosis - Lipomatosis of nerve - Atypical spindle cell/pleomorphic lipomatous tumour - Myelolipoma - Myolipoma - Spindle cell / pleomorphic lipoma - Benign chondrogenic tumours - Chondroblastoma NOS - Chondroma - Chondromyxoid fibroma - Enchondroma - Osteochondroma - Osteochondromyxoma - Periosteal chondroma - Pulmonary chondroma - Pulmonary hamartoma - Subungueal exostosis - Synovial chondromatosis - Benign fibroblastic/myofibroblastic tumours - Adenofibroma - Angiofibroma - Angiomyofibroblastoma - Calcifying aponeurotic fibroma - Calcifying fibrous tumour - Cellular angiofibroma - Desmoplastic fibroblastoma - Elastofibroma - Fasciitis - Fibroblastic tumour with SMAD3 fusion - Fibrochondromyxoid tumour with THBS1 fusion - Fibro-osseous pseudotumour of digits - Fibroma of tendon sheath - Fibromatosis colli - Fibrous hamartoma of infancy - Gardner fibroma - Inclusion body fibromatosis - Intra-nodal palisaded myofibroblastoma - Ischaemic fasciitis - Juvenile hyaline fibromatosis - Myofibroblastoma - Myositis ossificans - Nasopharyngeal angiofibroma - Nodular fasciitis - Nuchal-type fibroma - Organ-associated pseudosarcomatous myofibroblastic proliferations - Other fibromas - Proliferative fasciitis - Proliferative myositis - Benign fibro-histiocytic tumours - Central giant cell granuloma of jaws (giant cell reparative granuloma of jaws) - Deep benign fibrous histiocytoma - Epithelioid fibrous histiocytoma - Erdheim-Chester disease - Fibrous histiocytoma - Giant cell lesion of the small bones (extragnathic giant cell reparative granuloma) - Langerhans cell histiocytosis - Non Ossifying fibroma - Rosai-Dorfman disease - Tenosynovial giant cell tumour NOS - Tenosynovial giant cell tumour, diffuse type - Tenosynovial giant cell tumour, localized type - Benign nerve sheath tumours - Atypical neurofibromatous neoplasm of uncertain biological potential ANNUBP - Benign Triton tumour - Dermal nerve sheath myxoma - Ectopic meningioma - Granular cell tumour - Hybrid nerve sheath tumours - Nasal glial heterotopia - Neurofibroma - Neurothekeoma - Perineurioma - Plexiform neurofibroma - Schwannoma - Solitary circumscribed neuroma - Benign notochordal tumour - Benign osteogenic tumours - Osteoid osteoma - Osteoma - Benign pericytic tumours - Angioleiomyoma - Glomus tumour - Myofibroma / myofibromatosis - Myopericytoma - Benign skeletal muscle tumours - Rhabdomyoma - Rhabdomyoma - adult type - Rhabdomyoma - fetal type - Rhabdomyoma - genital type - Benign smooth muscle tumours - Atypical polypoid adenomyoma - Adenomyoma - Bizarre nuclei leiomyoma - Cellular leiomyoma - Diffuse leiomyomatosis - Dissecans leiomyoma - Epithelioid leiomyoma - Intraveinous leiomyomatosis - Leiomyoma - Leiomyomatosis peritonealis disseminata - Mitotically-active leiomyoma - Myxoid leiomyoma - Benign tumours of uncertain differentiation - Acral fibromyxoma - Brown tumour - Deep (aggressive) angiomyxoma - Ectopic hamartomatous thymoma - Fibrous dysplasia - Inflammatory fibroid polyp - Intramuscular myxoma - Myxoma NOS - Osteofibrous dysplasia - Pleomorphic hyalinizing angiectatic tumour - Pleuropulmonary blastoma - Simple bone cyst - Superficial angiomyxoma - Benign vascular tumours - Angiolymphoid hyperplasia - Angiomatosis - Atypical vascular lesion - Diffuse pulmonary lymphangiomatosis - Epithelioid hemangioma - Gorham disease - Hemangioma - Intra-muscular hemangioma - Lymphangioma NOS - Lymphangiomatosis - Pyogenic granuloma - Osseous pseudo-tumours - Bizarre parosteal osteochondromatous proliferation - Callus - Florid ossificans periostitis - Post-traumatic fibro-osseous lesion - Tophaceous pseudogout - Other benign lesion - GIST - gastrointestinal stromal tumour (GIST), low, very low risk - gastrointestinal stromal tumour (GIST), intermediate risk - gastrointestinal stromal tumour (GIST), high risk - Non-mesenchymal malignant tumour - Carcinoma - Germinal tumor - Lymphoma - Melanoma - Myeloma - Other non-mesenchymal malignant tumours - Plasmocytoma - Other diagnoses - Diagnosis unspecified - Undifferentiated malignant tumour - Sarcoma - Chondrosarcoma - Central chondrosarcoma - Chondrosarcoma, grade 1 - Chondrosarcoma, grade 2 - Chondrosarcoma, grade 3 - Chondrosarcoma NOS - Clear cell chondrosarcoma - Dedifferentiated chondrosarcoma - Mesenchymal chondrosarcoma - Periosteal chondrosarcoma - Peripheral chondrosarcoma - Leiomyosarcoma - Leiomyosarcoma - differentiated - Leiomyosarcoma - epithelioid - Leiomyosarcoma - myxoid - Leiomyosarcoma - poorly-differentiated - Liposarcoma - Liposarcoma - dedifferentiated - Liposarcoma - mixed type - Liposarcoma - myxoid - Liposarcoma - NOS - Liposarcoma - pleomorphic - Liposarcoma - round cell - Liposarcoma - well differentiated - Myxoid pleomorphic liposarcoma - Malignant fibrohistiocytic tumours of bone - Malignant giant cell tumour of bone - Malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumour - Ectomesenchymoma - Malignant perineurioma - Malignant Triton tumour - MPNST - epithelioid type - MPNST - usual type - Miscellaneous sarcomas - Alveolar soft part sarcoma - Angiosarcoma - BCOR sarcoma - CIC-DUX sarcoma - CIC-rearranged sarcoma - Clear cell sarcoma - Desmoplastic round cell tumour - Epithelioid hemangioendothelioma NOS - Epithelioid hemangioendothelioma with TFE3 fusion - Epithelioid hemangioendothelioma with WWTR1 fusion - Epithelioid sarcoma - Ewing sarcoma - Extraskeletal myxoid chondrosarcoma - Fibrosarcoma NOS - High risk solitary fibrous tumour - Intimal sarcoma - Low grade fibromyxoid sarcoma - Low grade sinonasal sarcoma - Malignant glomus tumour - Malignant granular cell tumour - Malignant mesenchymoma - Malignant mixed tumor - Malignant myoepithelial tumour - Malignant ossifying fibromyxoid tumour - Malignant PECOMA - Malignant rhabdoid tumour - Malignant tenosynovial giant cell tumour - Primary pulmonary myxoid sarcoma with EWSR1-CREB1 fusion - Sclerosing epithelioid fibrosarcoma - SMARCA4-deficient undifferentiated thoracic tumour - Myxofibrosarcoma - Osteosarcoma - Conventional osteosarcoma - Dedifferentiated low-grade central osteosarcoma - Dedifferentiated parosteal osteosarcoma - Extraskeletal osteosarcoma - High-grade surface osteosarcoma - Low-grade central osteosarcoma - Osteoblastoma-like osteosarcoma - Osteosarcoma NOS - Parosteal osteosarcoma - Periosteal osteosarcoma - Small cell osteosarcoma - Secondary osteosarcoma - Telangiectasic osteosarcoma - Other sarcomas - Adamantinoma - Adenosarcoma - Chondroid chordoma - Chordoma NOS - Dedifferentiated adamantimoma - Dedifferentiated chordoma - Endometrial stromal sarcoma - Endometrial stromal sarcoma - high-grade - Endometrial stromal sarcoma - low-grade - Phyllodes sarcoma - Poorly differenciated chordoma - Undifferentiated uterine sarcoma - Rhabdomyosarcoma - Adult spindle cell rhabdomyosarcoma - Alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma - Embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma - botryoid type - Embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma - NOS - Embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma - spindle cell type - Embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma - usual type - Pleomorphic rhabdomyosarcoma - Rhabdomyosarcoma - NOS - Rhabdomyosarcoma with MYOD1 mutation - Rhabdomyosarcoma with TFCP2 fusion - Rhabdomyosarcoma with VGLL2/NCOA2 fusion - Sclerosing rhabdomyosarcoma - Spindle cell rhabdomyosarcoma - Suspicion of sarcoma - Synovial sarcoma - Synovial sarcoma - biphasic - Synovial sarcoma - monophasic - Synovial sarcoma - NOS - Synovial sarcoma - poorly differentiated - Undifferentiated sarcoma - Undifferentiated epithelioid sarcoma - Undifferentiated pleomorphic sarcoma - Undifferentiated round cell sarcoma - Undifferentiated sarcoma - NOS - Undifferentiated spindle cell sarcoma - Tumour of intermediate malignancy - Atypical lipomatous tumour - Intermediate chondrogenic tumours - Atypical cartilaginous tumour - Cartilaginous tumour of uncertain prognosis - Chondromatosis NOS - Intermediate fibroblastic/myofibroblastic tumours - Dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans - Desmoid-type fibromatosis - Desmoplastic fibroma of bone - Fibro-osseous tumour of bone NOS - Fibrosarcomatous dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans - Giant cell fibroblastoma - Infantile fibrosarcoma - Inflammatory myofibroblastic tumour - Intermediate risk solitary fibrous tumour - Lipofibromatosis - Low grade myofibroblastic sarcoma - Low risk solitary fibrous tumour - Myxoinflammatory fibroblastic sarcoma - NTRK-rearranged spindle cell neoplasm - Palmar/plantar fibromatosis - Superficial CD34-positive fibroblastic tumour - Intermediate fibrohistiocytic tumours - Giant cell tumour of bone - Giant cell tumour of soft tissues - Metastatic giant cell tumour of bone - Osseous tumour rich in giant cell NOS - Plexiform fibrohistiocytic tumour - Suspicion of giant cell tumour of bone - Intermediate osteogenic tumours - Osteoblastoma NOS - Osteogenic tumor of uncertain prognosis (osteoblastoma versus osteoblastoma-like osteosarcoma) - Intermediate peripheral nerve sheath tumour - Malignant melanotic neural tumour - Intermediate tumours of uncertain differentiation - Aneurysmal bone cyst - Angiomatoid fibrous histiocytoma - Atypical fibroxanthoma - Cutaneous pleomorphic sarcoma - Hemosiderotic fibrolipomatous tumour - Lymphangioleiomyoma/lymphangioleiomyomatosis - Malignant phosphaturic mesenchymal tumour - Melanotic neuroectodermal tumour of infancy - Mesenchymal tumor with GLI1 alteration - Mixed tumour - Myoepithelioma - Ossifying fibromyxoid tumour - PECOMA - NOS - Phosphaturic mesenchymal tumour NOS - Intermediate vascular tumours - Composite hemangioendothelioma - Epithelioid vascular tumour of bone NOS - Kaposi sarcoma - Kaposiform hemangioendothelioma - Papillary intralymphatic angioendothelioma - Pseudomyogenic hemangioendothelioma - Retiform hemangioendothelioma - Other tumours of intermediate malignancy - Atypical smooth muscle tumour - EBV-associated smooth muscle tumour (STUMP) - Endometrial stromal nodule - Endometrial stromal tumor low-grade - Inflammatory rhabdomyoblastic tumour - Metastatic leiomyoma - Smooth muscle tumour of undetermined malignant potential (STUMP) - Uterine tumour resembling ovarian sex cord tumours (UTROSCT) - Other intermediate mesenchymal tumour of bone - Mesenchymoma NOS - Osteofibrous dysplasia-like adamantinoma |
ID : 143
Type : Free value Content : DATE Mandatory : No Multiple values : No Unique : No |
Description : Date of the first sampling which allowed the diagnosis of the current tumour
ID : 145
Type : Free value Content : INTEGER Mandatory : No Multiple values : No Unique : No |
Description :
ID : 1135
Type : Constrained Content : TEXT Mandatory : No Multiple values : No Unique : No |
Description : Modification de diagnostic (diagnostic redressé) suite à la relecture anapath. Exemple : en 2010 diagnostic de lipome relecture des lames en 2013 diagnostic de liposarcome le diagnostic est redressé donc Diagnosis changed = Yes. Exemple : diagnostic liposarcome bien différencié qui devient après rechute un liposarcome indifférentié. Diagnosis changed = No. |
Possible values :
No, Yes |
ID : 1136
Type : Constrained Content : TEXT Mandatory : No Multiple values : No Unique : No |
Description : Quel était le diagnostic avant que le redressement de diag ? |
Possible values :
- Benign lesion - Benign adipocytic tumours - Angiolipoma - Angiomyolipoma - Chondroid lipoma - Hibernoma - Lipoblastoma/lipoblastomatosis - Lipoma - Lipomatosis - Lipomatosis of nerve - Atypical spindle cell/pleomorphic lipomatous tumour - Myelolipoma - Myolipoma - Spindle cell / pleomorphic lipoma - Benign chondrogenic tumours - Chondroblastoma NOS - Chondroma - Chondromyxoid fibroma - Enchondroma - Osteochondroma - Osteochondromyxoma - Periosteal chondroma - Pulmonary chondroma - Pulmonary hamartoma - Subungueal exostosis - Synovial chondromatosis - Benign fibroblastic/myofibroblastic tumours - Adenofibroma - Angiofibroma - Angiomyofibroblastoma - Calcifying aponeurotic fibroma - Calcifying fibrous tumour - Cellular angiofibroma - Desmoplastic fibroblastoma - Elastofibroma - Fasciitis - Fibroblastic tumour with SMAD3 fusion - Fibrochondromyxoid tumour with THBS1 fusion - Fibro-osseous pseudotumour of digits - Fibroma of tendon sheath - Fibromatosis colli - Fibrous hamartoma of infancy - Gardner fibroma - Inclusion body fibromatosis - Intra-nodal palisaded myofibroblastoma - Ischaemic fasciitis - Juvenile hyaline fibromatosis - Myofibroblastoma - Myositis ossificans - Nasopharyngeal angiofibroma - Nodular fasciitis - Nuchal-type fibroma - Organ-associated pseudosarcomatous myofibroblastic proliferations - Other fibromas - Proliferative fasciitis - Proliferative myositis - Benign fibro-histiocytic tumours - Central giant cell granuloma of jaws (giant cell reparative granuloma of jaws) - Deep benign fibrous histiocytoma - Epithelioid fibrous histiocytoma - Erdheim-Chester disease - Fibrous histiocytoma - Giant cell lesion of the small bones (extragnathic giant cell reparative granuloma) - Langerhans cell histiocytosis - Non Ossifying fibroma - Rosai-Dorfman disease - Tenosynovial giant cell tumour NOS - Tenosynovial giant cell tumour, diffuse type - Tenosynovial giant cell tumour, localized type - Benign nerve sheath tumours - Atypical neurofibromatous neoplasm of uncertain biological potential ANNUBP - Benign Triton tumour - Dermal nerve sheath myxoma - Ectopic meningioma - Granular cell tumour - Hybrid nerve sheath tumours - Nasal glial heterotopia - Neurofibroma - Neurothekeoma - Perineurioma - Plexiform neurofibroma - Schwannoma - Solitary circumscribed neuroma - Benign notochordal tumour - Benign osteogenic tumours - Osteoid osteoma - Osteoma - Benign pericytic tumours - Angioleiomyoma - Glomus tumour - Myofibroma / myofibromatosis - Myopericytoma - Benign skeletal muscle tumours - Rhabdomyoma - Rhabdomyoma - adult type - Rhabdomyoma - fetal type - Rhabdomyoma - genital type - Benign smooth muscle tumours - Atypical polypoid adenomyoma - Adenomyoma - Bizarre nuclei leiomyoma - Cellular leiomyoma - Diffuse leiomyomatosis - Dissecans leiomyoma - Epithelioid leiomyoma - Intraveinous leiomyomatosis - Leiomyoma - Leiomyomatosis peritonealis disseminata - Mitotically-active leiomyoma - Myxoid leiomyoma - Benign tumours of uncertain differentiation - Acral fibromyxoma - Brown tumour - Deep (aggressive) angiomyxoma - Ectopic hamartomatous thymoma - Fibrous dysplasia - Inflammatory fibroid polyp - Intramuscular myxoma - Myxoma NOS - Osteofibrous dysplasia - Pleomorphic hyalinizing angiectatic tumour - Pleuropulmonary blastoma - Simple bone cyst - Superficial angiomyxoma - Benign vascular tumours - Angiolymphoid hyperplasia - Angiomatosis - Atypical vascular lesion - Diffuse pulmonary lymphangiomatosis - Epithelioid hemangioma - Gorham disease - Hemangioma - Intra-muscular hemangioma - Lymphangioma NOS - Lymphangiomatosis - Pyogenic granuloma - Osseous pseudo-tumours - Bizarre parosteal osteochondromatous proliferation - Callus - Florid ossificans periostitis - Post-traumatic fibro-osseous lesion - Tophaceous pseudogout - Other benign lesion - GIST - gastrointestinal stromal tumour (GIST), low, very low risk - gastrointestinal stromal tumour (GIST), intermediate risk - gastrointestinal stromal tumour (GIST), high risk - Non-mesenchymal malignant tumour - Carcinoma - Germinal tumor - Lymphoma - Melanoma - Myeloma - Other non-mesenchymal malignant tumours - Plasmocytoma - Other diagnoses - Diagnosis unspecified - Undifferentiated malignant tumour - Sarcoma - Chondrosarcoma - Central chondrosarcoma - Chondrosarcoma, grade 1 - Chondrosarcoma, grade 2 - Chondrosarcoma, grade 3 - Chondrosarcoma NOS - Clear cell chondrosarcoma - Dedifferentiated chondrosarcoma - Mesenchymal chondrosarcoma - Periosteal chondrosarcoma - Peripheral chondrosarcoma - Leiomyosarcoma - Leiomyosarcoma - differentiated - Leiomyosarcoma - epithelioid - Leiomyosarcoma - myxoid - Leiomyosarcoma - poorly-differentiated - Liposarcoma - Liposarcoma - dedifferentiated - Liposarcoma - mixed type - Liposarcoma - myxoid - Liposarcoma - NOS - Liposarcoma - pleomorphic - Liposarcoma - round cell - Liposarcoma - well differentiated - Myxoid pleomorphic liposarcoma - Malignant fibrohistiocytic tumours of bone - Malignant giant cell tumour of bone - Malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumour - Ectomesenchymoma - Malignant perineurioma - Malignant Triton tumour - MPNST - epithelioid type - MPNST - usual type - Miscellaneous sarcomas - Alveolar soft part sarcoma - Angiosarcoma - BCOR sarcoma - CIC-DUX sarcoma - CIC-rearranged sarcoma - Clear cell sarcoma - Desmoplastic round cell tumour - Epithelioid hemangioendothelioma NOS - Epithelioid hemangioendothelioma with TFE3 fusion - Epithelioid hemangioendothelioma with WWTR1 fusion - Epithelioid sarcoma - Ewing sarcoma - Extraskeletal myxoid chondrosarcoma - Fibrosarcoma NOS - High risk solitary fibrous tumour - Intimal sarcoma - Low grade fibromyxoid sarcoma - Low grade sinonasal sarcoma - Malignant glomus tumour - Malignant granular cell tumour - Malignant mesenchymoma - Malignant mixed tumor - Malignant myoepithelial tumour - Malignant ossifying fibromyxoid tumour - Malignant PECOMA - Malignant rhabdoid tumour - Malignant tenosynovial giant cell tumour - Primary pulmonary myxoid sarcoma with EWSR1-CREB1 fusion - Sclerosing epithelioid fibrosarcoma - SMARCA4-deficient undifferentiated thoracic tumour - Myxofibrosarcoma - Osteosarcoma - Conventional osteosarcoma - Dedifferentiated low-grade central osteosarcoma - Dedifferentiated parosteal osteosarcoma - Extraskeletal osteosarcoma - High-grade surface osteosarcoma - Low-grade central osteosarcoma - Osteoblastoma-like osteosarcoma - Osteosarcoma NOS - Parosteal osteosarcoma - Periosteal osteosarcoma - Small cell osteosarcoma - Secondary osteosarcoma - Telangiectasic osteosarcoma - Other sarcomas - Adamantinoma - Adenosarcoma - Chondroid chordoma - Chordoma NOS - Dedifferentiated adamantimoma - Dedifferentiated chordoma - Endometrial stromal sarcoma - Endometrial stromal sarcoma - high-grade - Endometrial stromal sarcoma - low-grade - Phyllodes sarcoma - Poorly differenciated chordoma - Undifferentiated uterine sarcoma - Rhabdomyosarcoma - Adult spindle cell rhabdomyosarcoma - Alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma - Embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma - botryoid type - Embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma - NOS - Embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma - spindle cell type - Embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma - usual type - Pleomorphic rhabdomyosarcoma - Rhabdomyosarcoma - NOS - Rhabdomyosarcoma with MYOD1 mutation - Rhabdomyosarcoma with TFCP2 fusion - Rhabdomyosarcoma with VGLL2/NCOA2 fusion - Sclerosing rhabdomyosarcoma - Spindle cell rhabdomyosarcoma - Suspicion of sarcoma - Synovial sarcoma - Synovial sarcoma - biphasic - Synovial sarcoma - monophasic - Synovial sarcoma - NOS - Synovial sarcoma - poorly differentiated - Undifferentiated sarcoma - Undifferentiated epithelioid sarcoma - Undifferentiated pleomorphic sarcoma - Undifferentiated round cell sarcoma - Undifferentiated sarcoma - NOS - Undifferentiated spindle cell sarcoma - Tumour of intermediate malignancy - Atypical lipomatous tumour - Intermediate chondrogenic tumours - Atypical cartilaginous tumour - Cartilaginous tumour of uncertain prognosis - Chondromatosis NOS - Intermediate fibroblastic/myofibroblastic tumours - Dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans - Desmoid-type fibromatosis - Desmoplastic fibroma of bone - Fibro-osseous tumour of bone NOS - Fibrosarcomatous dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans - Giant cell fibroblastoma - Infantile fibrosarcoma - Inflammatory myofibroblastic tumour - Intermediate risk solitary fibrous tumour - Lipofibromatosis - Low grade myofibroblastic sarcoma - Low risk solitary fibrous tumour - Myxoinflammatory fibroblastic sarcoma - NTRK-rearranged spindle cell neoplasm - Palmar/plantar fibromatosis - Superficial CD34-positive fibroblastic tumour - Intermediate fibrohistiocytic tumours - Giant cell tumour of bone - Giant cell tumour of soft tissues - Metastatic giant cell tumour of bone - Osseous tumour rich in giant cell NOS - Plexiform fibrohistiocytic tumour - Suspicion of giant cell tumour of bone - Intermediate osteogenic tumours - Osteoblastoma NOS - Osteogenic tumor of uncertain prognosis (osteoblastoma versus osteoblastoma-like osteosarcoma) - Intermediate peripheral nerve sheath tumour - Malignant melanotic neural tumour - Intermediate tumours of uncertain differentiation - Aneurysmal bone cyst - Angiomatoid fibrous histiocytoma - Atypical fibroxanthoma - Cutaneous pleomorphic sarcoma - Hemosiderotic fibrolipomatous tumour - Lymphangioleiomyoma/lymphangioleiomyomatosis - Malignant phosphaturic mesenchymal tumour - Melanotic neuroectodermal tumour of infancy - Mesenchymal tumor with GLI1 alteration - Mixed tumour - Myoepithelioma - Ossifying fibromyxoid tumour - PECOMA - NOS - Phosphaturic mesenchymal tumour NOS - Intermediate vascular tumours - Composite hemangioendothelioma - Epithelioid vascular tumour of bone NOS - Kaposi sarcoma - Kaposiform hemangioendothelioma - Papillary intralymphatic angioendothelioma - Pseudomyogenic hemangioendothelioma - Retiform hemangioendothelioma - Other tumours of intermediate malignancy - Atypical smooth muscle tumour - EBV-associated smooth muscle tumour (STUMP) - Endometrial stromal nodule - Endometrial stromal tumor low-grade - Inflammatory rhabdomyoblastic tumour - Metastatic leiomyoma - Smooth muscle tumour of uncertain malignant potential (STUMP) - Smooth muscle tumour of undetermined malignant potential (STUMP) - Uterine tumour resembling ovarian sex cord tumours (UTROSCT) - Other intermediate mesenchymal tumour of bone - Mesenchymoma NOS - Osteofibrous dysplasia-like adamantinoma |
ID : 1137
Type : Free value Content : DATE Mandatory : No Multiple values : No Unique : No |
Description : Date à laquelle la relecture anapath a permis de redresser le diagnostic. |
ID : 10
Type : Constrained Content : TEXT Mandatory : No Multiple values : No Unique : No |
Description : Histologic grade of the primary tumour according to the French grading system: tumour differentiation score 1 to 3, 0) + mitotic index (score 1 to 3, 0) + tumour necrosis (score 0 to 2, 0) Grade=1 for total score of 2 or 3 Grade=2 for total score of 4 or 5 Grade=3 for total score of 6, 7 or 8
Possible values :
1, 2, 3, NA |
ID : 1127
Type : Constrained Content : TEXT Mandatory : No Multiple values : No Unique : No |
Description : Risque de malignité des GIST selon Miettinen
Possible values :
Very low risk, Low risk, Intermediate risk, High risk, NA |
ID : 1128
Type : Constrained Content : TEXT Mandatory : No Multiple values : No Unique : No |
Description : Y a-t-il eu une recherche de mutation de faite ? Réponse possible : Non Oui et le résultat est positif Oui et le résultat est négatif Oui et le résultat n'est pas interprétable. |
Possible values :
No, Yes positive, Yes negative, Yes not interpretable |
ID : 1002
Type : Constrained Content : TEXT Mandatory : No Multiple values : No Unique : No |
Description : Yes : tumour developed in a previously irradiated area
Possible values :
No, Yes |
ID : 6
Type : Constrained Content : TEXT Mandatory : No Multiple values : No Unique : No |
Description : Yes when there is a distant metastasis diagnosed by imaging and / or histological evaluation
Possible values :
Yes, No, Skip |
ID : 1169
Type : Constrained Content : TEXT Mandatory : No Multiple values : Yes Unique : No |
Description :
Possible values :
No, Ultrasound, CT Scan, MRI, X-Ray (standard radiograph), Other, Not available |
ID : 1103
Type : Constrained Content : TEXT Mandatory : No Multiple values : No Unique : No |
Description : Type de biopsie à visée de diagnostic avant la chirurgie. Open biopsy : biopsie chirurgicale ou incisionnelle Biopsy NOS : Biopsie SAI Not available : Information non disponible |
Possible values :
No, Microbiopsy, Open biopsy, Biopsy NOS, Microbiopsy and open biopsy, Cytology only, Not available |
ID : 1125
Type : Constrained Content : TEXT Mandatory : No Multiple values : No Unique : No |
Description : Traitement néo-adjuvant avant la chirurgie
Possible values :
Yes, No |
ID : 1124
Type : Constrained Content : TEXT Mandatory : No Multiple values : No Unique : No |
Description : La qualité de la chirurgie a-t-elle été prévue par une des RCP précédant la chirurgie.?
Possible values :
Yes, No |
ID : 1153
Type : Constrained Content : TEXT Mandatory : No Multiple values : No Unique : No |
Description :
Possible values :
No, Yes, Curettage |
ID : 1079
Type : Free value Content : DATE Mandatory : No Multiple values : No Unique : No |
Description : Date of surgery
ID : 1096
Type : Constrained Content : TEXT Mandatory : No Multiple values : No Unique : No |
Description : Chirurgien qui a opéré la tumeur primaire Les chirurgiens Sarcome sont listés dans Network. Si la RCP propose que l'opération soit faite par un chirurgien particulier qui ne fait pas parti du réseau mais dont le nom est donné lors de la RCP il doit être saisi dans Referral to a specialized surgery outside network. Si le chirurgien ne correspond pas aux situations précédentes alors saisir Outside network. |
ID : 1094
Type : Constrained Content : TEXT Mandatory : No Multiple values : No Unique : No |
Description : Qualité de la première chirurgie de la tumeur primaire. R0 : résection macroscopiquement pour le chirugien et microscopiquement complète pour l'anapath. Résection monobloc. (Tumeur non vue lors de la chirurgie) R1 : résection macroscopiquement complète Si le chirurgien a vu la tumeur la résection sera au mieux R1. R2 : Résection incomplète, énucléation. |
Possible values :
R0 margin, R1 margin, R2 margin, Margin not evaluable, Unknown |
ID : 1100
Type : Constrained Content : TEXT Mandatory : No Multiple values : No Unique : No |
Description : Reprise chirurgicale tumeur primaire Ne sont prises en compte que les reprises chirurgicales ayant lieu avant la progression ou la rechute. |
Possible values :
No, Yes, Curettage |
ID : 1101
Type : Constrained Content : TEXT Mandatory : No Multiple values : No Unique : No |
Description : Chirurgien qui a ré-opéré la tumeur primaire Les chirurgiens sarcome sont listés dans Network. Si la RCP propose que la reprise soit faite par un chirurgien particulier qui ne fait pas parti du réseau mais dont le nom est donné lors de la RCP il doit être saisi dans Referral to a specialized surgery outside network. Si le chirurgien ne correspond pas aux situations précédentes alors saisir Outside network. |
ID : 1102
Type : Constrained Content : TEXT Mandatory : No Multiple values : No Unique : No |
Description : Qualité de la reprise chirurgicale de la tumeur primaire. R0 margin no tumour was found : pas de reliquat tumoral retrouvé par l'anapath dans la pièce opératoire. R0 margin and tumour was found : présence d'un reliquat tumoral et résection microscopiquement complète. R1 margin and tumour was found : reliquat présent et résection macroscopiquement complète. R2 margin and tumour was found : reliquat présent et résection incomplète. Margin not evaluable : l'anapath dit que les marges ne sont pas évaluables. |
Possible values :
R0 margin no tumour was found, R0 margin and tumour was found, R1 margin and tumour was found, R2 margin and tumour was found, Margin not evaluable, Unknown |
ID : 112
Type : Constrained Content : TEXT Mandatory : No Multiple values : No Unique : No |
Description : Expert pathologist observed if the tumour was spilt
Possible values :
Yes, No |
ID : 1097
Type : Constrained Content : TEXT Mandatory : No Multiple values : No Unique : No |
Description : Prend en compte la première progression locale et la première progression métastatique. Si elles sont simultannées les 2 dates sont identiques sinon elles sont différentes.
Possible values :
No, Local, Metastatic, Local and metastatic, Not specify |
ID : 1095
Type : Free value Content : DATE Mandatory : No Multiple values : No Unique : No |
Description :
ID : 1098
Type : Free value Content : DATE Mandatory : No Multiple values : No Unique : No |
Description :
ID : 1109
Type : Free value Content : TEXT Mandatory : No Multiple values : No Unique : No |
Description : Numéro de dossier du patient dans votre établissement |
ID : 1105
Type : Free value Content : DATE Mandatory : No Multiple values : No Unique : No |
Description : Date de la RCP |
ID : 1106
Type : Constrained Content : TEXT Mandatory : No Multiple values : No Unique : No |
Description : Centre de RCP |
Possible values :
- CIRTAL National RCP - Adult Regional RCP - RCP Besançon - RCP Bordeaux - RCP Caen - RCP Clermont-Ferrand - RCP Dijon - RCP Dom Tom La Réunion - RCP Lille - RCP Limoges - RCP Lyon - RCP Marseille IPC - RCP Marseille Timone - RCP Montpellier - RCP Nancy - RCP Nantes/Angers - RCP Nice - RCP Paris APHP multisites GIST - RCP Paris Cochin - RCP Paris Curie - RCP Paris Pitié Salpetrière - RCP Paris Saint Louis - RCP Paris Tenon - RCP Poitiers - RCP Reims Debré GIST - RCP Reims Godinot - RCP Rennes/Brest - RCP Rouen - RCP Strasbourg - RCP Toulouse - RCP Tours - RCP Villejuif - Adult Inter Regional RCP - RCP IR Lille Caen Rouen Amiens - RCP IR Bordeaux Limoges Montpellier Toulouse - RCP IR Nantes Angers Rennes - RCP IR Grand Est (Nancy, Besancon, Dijon, Reims, Strasbourg) - Pediatric Inter Regional RCP - RCP pediatric Est (Besancon,Dijon,Nancy,Reims,Strasbourg) - RCP pediatric Grand Ouest (Angers,Brest,Caen,Nantes,Poitiers,Rennes,Tours) - RCP pediatric Ile de France/La Reunion - RCP pediatric Nord (Amiens,Lille,Rouen) - RCP pediatric Rhone-Alpes/Auvergne (Clermont-Ferrand,Grenoble, Lyon, Saint-Etienne) - RCP pediatric Sud Est (Marseille,Montpellier,Nice) - RCP pediatric Sud Ouest (Bordeaux,Limoges,Toulouse) - RCP regional pediatric La Reunion |
ID : 9
Type : Constrained Content : TEXT Mandatory : No Multiple values : No Unique : No |
Description : Histotype of the primary tumour to be chosen in the scroll menu (2013 WHO classification, 0)
Possible values :
- Benign lesion - Benign adipocytic tumours - Angiolipoma - Angiomyolipoma - Chondroid lipoma - Hibernoma - Lipoblastoma/lipoblastomatosis - Lipoma - Lipomatosis - Lipomatosis of nerve - Atypical spindle cell/pleomorphic lipomatous tumour - Myelolipoma - Myolipoma - Spindle cell / pleomorphic lipoma - Benign chondrogenic tumours - Chondroblastoma NOS - Chondroma - Chondromyxoid fibroma - Enchondroma - Osteochondroma - Osteochondromyxoma - Periosteal chondroma - Pulmonary chondroma - Pulmonary hamartoma - Subungueal exostosis - Synovial chondromatosis - Benign fibroblastic/myofibroblastic tumours - Adenofibroma - Angiofibroma - Angiomyofibroblastoma - Calcifying aponeurotic fibroma - Calcifying fibrous tumour - Cellular angiofibroma - Desmoplastic fibroblastoma - Elastofibroma - Fasciitis - Fibroblastic tumour with SMAD3 fusion - Fibrochondromyxoid tumour with THBS1 fusion - Fibro-osseous pseudotumour of digits - Fibroma of tendon sheath - Fibromatosis colli - Fibrous hamartoma of infancy - Gardner fibroma - Inclusion body fibromatosis - Intra-nodal palisaded myofibroblastoma - Ischaemic fasciitis - Juvenile hyaline fibromatosis - Myofibroblastoma - Myositis ossificans - Nasopharyngeal angiofibroma - Nodular fasciitis - Nuchal-type fibroma - Organ-associated pseudosarcomatous myofibroblastic proliferations - Other fibromas - Proliferative fasciitis - Proliferative myositis - Benign fibro-histiocytic tumours - Central giant cell granuloma of jaws (giant cell reparative granuloma of jaws) - Deep benign fibrous histiocytoma - Epithelioid fibrous histiocytoma - Erdheim-Chester disease - Fibrous histiocytoma - Giant cell lesion of the small bones (extragnathic giant cell reparative granuloma) - Langerhans cell histiocytosis - Non Ossifying fibroma - Rosai-Dorfman disease - Tenosynovial giant cell tumour NOS - Tenosynovial giant cell tumour, diffuse type - Tenosynovial giant cell tumour, localized type - Benign nerve sheath tumours - Atypical neurofibromatous neoplasm of uncertain biological potential ANNUBP - Benign Triton tumour - Dermal nerve sheath myxoma - Ectopic meningioma - Granular cell tumour - Hybrid nerve sheath tumours - Nasal glial heterotopia - Neurofibroma - Neurothekeoma - Perineurioma - Plexiform neurofibroma - Schwannoma - Solitary circumscribed neuroma - Benign notochordal tumour - Benign osteogenic tumours - Osteoid osteoma - Osteoma - Benign pericytic tumours - Angioleiomyoma - Glomus tumour - Myofibroma / myofibromatosis - Myopericytoma - Benign skeletal muscle tumours - Rhabdomyoma - Rhabdomyoma - adult type - Rhabdomyoma - fetal type - Rhabdomyoma - genital type - Benign smooth muscle tumours - Atypical polypoid adenomyoma - Adenomyoma - Bizarre nuclei leiomyoma - Cellular leiomyoma - Diffuse leiomyomatosis - Dissecans leiomyoma - Epithelioid leiomyoma - Intraveinous leiomyomatosis - Leiomyoma - Leiomyomatosis peritonealis disseminata - Mitotically-active leiomyoma - Myxoid leiomyoma - Benign tumours of uncertain differentiation - Acral fibromyxoma - Brown tumour - Deep (aggressive) angiomyxoma - Ectopic hamartomatous thymoma - Fibrous dysplasia - Inflammatory fibroid polyp - Intramuscular myxoma - Myxoma NOS - Osteofibrous dysplasia - Pleomorphic hyalinizing angiectatic tumour - Pleuropulmonary blastoma - Simple bone cyst - Superficial angiomyxoma - Benign vascular tumours - Angiolymphoid hyperplasia - Angiomatosis - Atypical vascular lesion - Diffuse pulmonary lymphangiomatosis - Epithelioid hemangioma - Gorham disease - Hemangioma - Intra-muscular hemangioma - Lymphangioma NOS - Lymphangiomatosis - Pyogenic granuloma - Osseous pseudo-tumours - Bizarre parosteal osteochondromatous proliferation - Callus - Florid ossificans periostitis - Post-traumatic fibro-osseous lesion - Tophaceous pseudogout - Other benign lesion - GIST - gastrointestinal stromal tumour (GIST), low, very low risk - gastrointestinal stromal tumour (GIST), intermediate risk - gastrointestinal stromal tumour (GIST), high risk - Non-mesenchymal malignant tumour - Carcinoma - Germinal tumor - Lymphoma - Melanoma - Myeloma - Other non-mesenchymal malignant tumours - Plasmocytoma - Other diagnoses - Diagnosis unspecified - Undifferentiated malignant tumour - Sarcoma - Chondrosarcoma - Central chondrosarcoma - Chondrosarcoma, grade 1 - Chondrosarcoma, grade 2 - Chondrosarcoma, grade 3 - Chondrosarcoma NOS - Clear cell chondrosarcoma - Dedifferentiated chondrosarcoma - Mesenchymal chondrosarcoma - Periosteal chondrosarcoma - Peripheral chondrosarcoma - Leiomyosarcoma - Leiomyosarcoma - differentiated - Leiomyosarcoma - epithelioid - Leiomyosarcoma - myxoid - Leiomyosarcoma - poorly-differentiated - Liposarcoma - Liposarcoma - dedifferentiated - Liposarcoma - mixed type - Liposarcoma - myxoid - Liposarcoma - NOS - Liposarcoma - pleomorphic - Liposarcoma - round cell - Liposarcoma - well differentiated - Myxoid pleomorphic liposarcoma - Malignant fibrohistiocytic tumours of bone - Malignant giant cell tumour of bone - Malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumour - Ectomesenchymoma - Malignant perineurioma - Malignant Triton tumour - MPNST - epithelioid type - MPNST - usual type - Miscellaneous sarcomas - Alveolar soft part sarcoma - Angiosarcoma - BCOR sarcoma - CIC-DUX sarcoma - CIC-rearranged sarcoma - Clear cell sarcoma - Desmoplastic round cell tumour - Epithelioid hemangioendothelioma NOS - Epithelioid hemangioendothelioma with TFE3 fusion - Epithelioid hemangioendothelioma with WWTR1 fusion - Epithelioid sarcoma - Ewing sarcoma - Extraskeletal myxoid chondrosarcoma - Fibrosarcoma NOS - High risk solitary fibrous tumour - Intimal sarcoma - Low grade fibromyxoid sarcoma - Low grade sinonasal sarcoma - Malignant glomus tumour - Malignant granular cell tumour - Malignant mesenchymoma - Malignant mixed tumor - Malignant myoepithelial tumour - Malignant ossifying fibromyxoid tumour - Malignant PECOMA - Malignant rhabdoid tumour - Malignant tenosynovial giant cell tumour - Primary pulmonary myxoid sarcoma with EWSR1-CREB1 fusion - Sclerosing epithelioid fibrosarcoma - SMARCA4-deficient undifferentiated thoracic tumour - Myxofibrosarcoma - Osteosarcoma - Conventional osteosarcoma - Dedifferentiated low-grade central osteosarcoma - Dedifferentiated parosteal osteosarcoma - Extraskeletal osteosarcoma - High-grade surface osteosarcoma - Low-grade central osteosarcoma - Osteoblastoma-like osteosarcoma - Osteosarcoma NOS - Parosteal osteosarcoma - Periosteal osteosarcoma - Small cell osteosarcoma - Secondary osteosarcoma - Telangiectasic osteosarcoma - Other sarcomas - Adamantinoma - Adenosarcoma - Chondroid chordoma - Chordoma NOS - Dedifferentiated adamantimoma - Dedifferentiated chordoma - Endometrial stromal sarcoma - Endometrial stromal sarcoma - high-grade - Endometrial stromal sarcoma - low-grade - Phyllodes sarcoma - Poorly differenciated chordoma - Undifferentiated uterine sarcoma - Rhabdomyosarcoma - Adult spindle cell rhabdomyosarcoma - Alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma - Embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma - botryoid type - Embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma - NOS - Embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma - spindle cell type - Embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma - usual type - Pleomorphic rhabdomyosarcoma - Rhabdomyosarcoma - NOS - Rhabdomyosarcoma with MYOD1 mutation - Rhabdomyosarcoma with TFCP2 fusion - Rhabdomyosarcoma with VGLL2/NCOA2 fusion - Sclerosing rhabdomyosarcoma - Spindle cell rhabdomyosarcoma - Suspicion of sarcoma - Synovial sarcoma - Synovial sarcoma - biphasic - Synovial sarcoma - monophasic - Synovial sarcoma - NOS - Synovial sarcoma - poorly differentiated - Undifferentiated sarcoma - Undifferentiated epithelioid sarcoma - Undifferentiated pleomorphic sarcoma - Undifferentiated round cell sarcoma - Undifferentiated sarcoma - NOS - Undifferentiated spindle cell sarcoma - Tumour of intermediate malignancy - Atypical lipomatous tumour - Intermediate chondrogenic tumours - Atypical cartilaginous tumour - Cartilaginous tumour of uncertain prognosis - Chondromatosis NOS - Intermediate fibroblastic/myofibroblastic tumours - Dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans - Desmoid-type fibromatosis - Desmoplastic fibroma of bone - Fibro-osseous tumour of bone NOS - Fibrosarcomatous dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans - Giant cell fibroblastoma - Infantile fibrosarcoma - Inflammatory myofibroblastic tumour - Intermediate risk solitary fibrous tumour - Lipofibromatosis - Low grade myofibroblastic sarcoma - Low risk solitary fibrous tumour - Myxoinflammatory fibroblastic sarcoma - NTRK-rearranged spindle cell neoplasm - Palmar/plantar fibromatosis - Superficial CD34-positive fibroblastic tumour - Intermediate fibrohistiocytic tumours - Giant cell tumour of bone - Giant cell tumour of soft tissues - Metastatic giant cell tumour of bone - Osseous tumour rich in giant cell NOS - Plexiform fibrohistiocytic tumour - Suspicion of giant cell tumour of bone - Intermediate osteogenic tumours - Osteoblastoma NOS - Osteogenic tumor of uncertain prognosis (osteoblastoma versus osteoblastoma-like osteosarcoma) - Intermediate peripheral nerve sheath tumour - Malignant melanotic neural tumour - Intermediate tumours of uncertain differentiation - Aneurysmal bone cyst - Angiomatoid fibrous histiocytoma - Atypical fibroxanthoma - Cutaneous pleomorphic sarcoma - Hemosiderotic fibrolipomatous tumour - Lymphangioleiomyoma/lymphangioleiomyomatosis - Malignant phosphaturic mesenchymal tumour - Melanotic neuroectodermal tumour of infancy - Mesenchymal tumor with GLI1 alteration - Mixed tumour - Myoepithelioma - Ossifying fibromyxoid tumour - PECOMA - NOS - Phosphaturic mesenchymal tumour NOS - Intermediate vascular tumours - Composite hemangioendothelioma - Epithelioid vascular tumour of bone NOS - Kaposi sarcoma - Kaposiform hemangioendothelioma - Papillary intralymphatic angioendothelioma - Pseudomyogenic hemangioendothelioma - Retiform hemangioendothelioma - Other tumours of intermediate malignancy - Atypical smooth muscle tumour - EBV-associated smooth muscle tumour (STUMP) - Endometrial stromal nodule - Endometrial stromal tumor low-grade - Inflammatory rhabdomyoblastic tumour - Metastatic leiomyoma - Smooth muscle tumour of undetermined malignant potential (STUMP) - Uterine tumour resembling ovarian sex cord tumours (UTROSCT) - Other intermediate mesenchymal tumour of bone - Mesenchymoma NOS - Osteofibrous dysplasia-like adamantinoma |
ID : 1107
Type : Constrained Content : TEXT Mandatory : No Multiple values : No Unique : No |
Description : Situation de la prise en charge du patient lors de la RCP
Si un patient a progressé il sera toujours en After progresssion pour toutes les RCP suivantes
Possible values :
Before biopsy, Before neo-adjuvant treatment, Before surgery, Complementary treatment, After treatment, After progression |
ID : 1119
Type : Constrained Content : TEXT Mandatory : No Multiple values : No Unique : No |
Description :
Possible values :
- Indication for biopsy - Indication for staging - Indication for histological review - Indication for surgery - Indication for initial tumour surgery - Indication for metastasis surgery - Chemoembolisation - Radiofrequency - Cryotherapy - Indication for re-excision - Indication for ILP - No indication for surgery - Indication for radiotherapy - Indication for neoadjuvant radiotherapy - Indication for adjuvant radiotherapy - Indication for exclusive or palliative radiotherapy - No indication for radiotherapy - Indication for chemotherapy - Indication for neoadjuvant chemotherapy - Indication for adjuvant chemotherapy - Indication for metastatic chemotherapy - Targeted therapies - Continuation of chemotherapy protocol - Modification of chemotherapy dose - Modification of chemotherapy protocol - No indication for chemotherapy - Supportive or palliative care - Indication for hormone therapy - NSAI - Others - No indication for additional treatment - Request for supplementary examinations - Indication for surveillance program - Advisory opinion from another MCB - Advisory opinion from other specialists - Medical file to present (again) to a MCB |
ID : 1120
Type : Constrained Content : TEXT Mandatory : No Multiple values : No Unique : No |
Description :
Possible values :
- Indication for biopsy - Indication for staging - Indication for histological review - Indication for surgery - Indication for initial tumour surgery - Indication for metastasis surgery - Chemoembolization - Radiofrequency - Cryotherapy - Indication for re-excision - Indication for ILP - No indication for surgery - Indication for radiotherapy - Indication for neoadjuvant radiotherapy - Indication for adjuvant radiotherapy - Indication for exclusive or palliative radiotherapy - No indication for radiotherapy - Indication for chemotherapy - Indication for neoadjuvant chemotherapy - Indication for adjuvant chemotherapy - Indication for metastatic chemotherapy - Targeted therapies - Continuation of chemotherapy protocol - Modification of chemotherapy dose - Modification of chemotherapy protocol - No indication for chemotherapy - Supportive or palliative care - Indication for hormone therapy - NSAI - Others - No indication for additional treatment - Request for supplementary examinations - Indication for surveillance program - Advisory opinion from another MCB - Advisory opinion from other specialists - Medical file to present (again) to a MCB |
ID : 1121
Type : Constrained Content : TEXT Mandatory : No Multiple values : No Unique : No |
Description :
Possible values :
- Indication for biopsy - Indication for staging - Indication for histological review - Indication for surgery - Indication for initial tumour surgery - Indication for metastasis surgery - Chemoembolisation - Radiofrequency - Cryotherapy - Indication for re-excision - Indication for ILP - No indication for surgery - Indication for radiotherapy - Indication for neoadjuvant radiotherapy - Indication for adjuvant radiotherapy - Indication for exclusive or palliative radiotherapy - No indication for radiotherapy - Indication for chemotherapy - Indication for neoadjuvant chemotherapy - Indication for adjuvant chemotherapy - Indication for metastatic chemotherapy - Targeted therapies - Continuation of chemotherapy protocol - Modification of chemotherapy dose - Modification of chemotherapy protocol - No indication of chemotherapy - Supportive or palliative care - Indication for hormone therapy - NSAI - Others - No indication for additional treatment - Request for supplementary examinations - Indication for surveillance program - Advisory opinion from another MCB - Advisory opinion from other specialists - Medical file to present (again) to a MCB |
ID : 1134
Type : Constrained Content : TEXT Mandatory : No Multiple values : No Unique : No |
Description : Établissement ou personne (médecin généraliste) adressant le patient en RCP |
Possible values :
Attending physician, Comprehensive Cancer Center, Universitary Hospital, General Hospital, PSPH, Private institution |
ID : 1108
Type : Constrained Content : TEXT Mandatory : No Multiple values : No Unique : No |
Description : Essais clinique proposé par la RCP |
Possible values :
Yes, No |
ID : 1126
Type : Free value Content : TEXT Mandatory : No Multiple values : No Unique : No |
Description : CT enrollment comment
ID : 1110
Type : Free value Content : TEXT Mandatory : No Multiple values : No Unique : No |
Description :
ID : 1111
Type : Free value Content : TEXT Mandatory : No Multiple values : No Unique : No |
Description :
ID : 1118
Type : Free value Content : TEXT Mandatory : No Multiple values : No Unique : No |
Description : Numéro de dossier du patient dans votre établissement
ID : 1116
Type : Free value Content : DATE Mandatory : No Multiple values : No Unique : No |
Description : Date de l'inclusion dans l'essai clinique (signature du consentement) |
ID : 1114
Type : Constrained Content : TEXT Mandatory : No Multiple values : No Unique : No |
Description : Essai Clinique dans lequel le patient est inclus |
Possible values :
RT-SU, Other, PAL ANGI 3, SYNFRIZZ, LMS-02, TRUST 62091 EORTC, PAZOGIST, T-DIS-1001, CASSANDRE-1108, APLIPO, ANGIONEXT 0710, LMS-03 (Sarcome 11), DESMOPAZ, ANGIOTAX-PLUS-0906, TOMOREP, FIBROMATOSE WS-RT, DFSP-PAZO, OS II TTP, AcSé Crizotinib, VIT 0910, REGOSARC-1214, CHONDROG, ESTIM LBH, RMS 2005, NRSTS 2005 EPSSG, OS 2006 (Sarcome 9), STRASS 62092 EORTC, Euro-Ewing 99 (Sarcome 1 - EORTC 62981), API-AI (Sarcome 3), 08 SARC 01 (RT-Sarc), SARC-GYN 1, PALSAR II 98 (Sarcome 2), TEPOSSE, ANGI-HE-1110, OUTC'S, GENEWING, SARI, ProActYon, RETROSPECTYON, ISKS , PROFILER, POLY NCR3-TNF GIST, SARCOLIGO, TKI-CPK-1003, IFOS-1, SAKK 56-07, Sarcome 07/0410 (Sarcome 7), Sarcome 04/0205 (Sarcome 4), Sarcome 08/0411 EORTC 62024 (Sarcome 8), EORTC 90061, EORTC 62061, BFR14, SURGIST Sarcome 10/0805 62063 (Sarcome 10), EORTC 62012, EUROSARC ISG-STS 10-01, CREATE EORTC 90101, GOG 0277 / EORTC 55116-62114, ImadGIST, CABONE, CHONRAD, ALDOXORUBICIN-P3-STS-01, EORTC 1202, REGOBONE, HGUS EORTC-62113-55115-STBSG-GCG, CYCLIGIST, EORTC 62005, EORTC 62011, EORTC 62991-22998, EORTC 62022, RAPIRI, BERNIE BO20924, TED12318, CSTI571X2103, NBTXR3, CSTI571X2101-BKM120, NP28021, PeComa, DOVIGIST, AB07001, VE-BASKET, AB11002, E7389-G000-309 ESAI, AB04030, Y-Image, PALETTE VEG110727 62072, VEG105430 GW786034, PO4720, E7389-E044-207 / EORTC 62052, A6181112, A6181004, A6181047, SUCCEED AP 23573-07-32, H3E-EW-S115, CAMN 107 A2103, CAMN 107 A2201, CAMN 107 G2301, CAMN 107 DDE06, CSTI571 JDE74, AMG162 20042006, EPIGIST, EFC 10145, SARC 011 N021157, ET-C-002-07, SABINE, AMG 655 20060324, ET-B-028-06, ET743-OVC-1001, CP13-0707, NP22890, OP690, PICASSO IPM 3001, BAY 73-4506/14874, IPI-926-04, NO21280, NGR-hTNF NGR 016, ET-B008-98 ET743, CSTI571 0203 EORTC 62001-16003 , CRAD001C 2206 , ET743-STS-201 , AB04016, ET743-SAR-1001 , 62043 EORTC, MORAb-004, TH-CR-406 / SARC 021, BP27772, A6181196, BRF 117019 , A4021020, ATRIGE, ZALYPSIS PM104-B-003-10, NBTXR3 301, LDE225, GENSARC, PVNS, VERSATIS faisabilité, NFITOR, NUTLIN 3 - MDM-2 - RO5503781, LEE011 phase I/II liposarcome, LEE011 phase I tumeurs solides, TSAR, CHDM201X2103C, Euro Ewing 2012, PEMBROSARC, SBRT Pédiatrie, ICGC LEIOMYOSARCOMES GSF, BP29428, MARGIC : Evaluation médico-économique, CCGM097X2101, GENMODIF, EQUIMETH2, HEPATOFLUO, MOST (My Own Specific Therapy), SHIVA - Phase II Preuve de concept, MOZOBIL15609 , SALTO-BIO , SALTO-2, SALTO, PACIFIK- GP28153, ABI-007-PST-001 - pédiatrie, KF5503-66, PROSPECTYON, AMG 232, rEECur EORTC 1403: sarcome d'Ewing, GC-BIO-IPC 2013-010, PERMED01-IPC 2014-003, ALTITUDES-1508 , RADIOSARP, PROPAN01, MorphinOgel, GEIS-32 , BLU-285-1101, EZH-202 , PLX108-10, OTMRG, GO28399, ALT GIST, MEME, CRYODESMO, MAPPYACTS, MO29518 BASKET, TRASTS, ET16-047 GIGIST-LB, I5B-MC-JGDJ : ANNOUNCE Ph III, I5B-MC-JGDM , MOTION - méta osseuses - Cryoablation, FIVE PRIME FPA008-002, AcSé-eSMART-CSET, LMS-04, HOPE 207, COMBINAIR3, IMODI, STARTRK-2 (RXDX-101-02), STOP MUCITES , MetZolimOS, ISI-JX, CLDK378A2407 ASCEND10, THEODORA, CABOGIST EORTC 1317 , RNASARC, CRAD001X2109, AVARTHEC, REVENRI, DCC-2618-03-001 INVICTUS, AcSé pembrolizumab, ANITA EORTC1506 , 20140114 DENO, XGEVA AMGEN 20150360, MICCHADO, TAPPAS 105SAR301 TRACON , PROFILER 02, EORTC-1506-STBSG-ANITA, KCP-330-020 SEAL :Selinexor vs Placebo liposarcome, TRAMUNE : ph IB_trabectidine Durvalumab , IsèreADOM, PHRC ETOILE, Sarcome 13 / OS2016, I6F-MC-JJCD, ALCINA, CA209-848, BLU-285-1303 VOYAGER, EORTC 1447-STBSG, EZH-501, NEOSARCOMICS, METRO PD1, RT-Immune, REGOMUNE, ARO-012 CRENOGIST, ETIOSARC, 1443.0001 : phI_BI765063 , DCC-2618-03-002 INTRIGUE, EREMISS: Ph II_regorafenif en maintenance_sarcome, 2102-ONC-102: Ph Ib/II_FT-2102t , COTESARC ML41313, BFR ESS 01: sarcome stromal de l'endomètre, REGISTRI, cirsarc, CONGRATS, E7389-G000-213, 1200.120 : afatinib, PAIRS AJA, CHANCE, ONCOVID-19: SRAS-COV2 , MULTISARC C16-40, REGOSTAT, MEDIPA, SPECTA EORTC 1553, MEGAMOST, 42756493CAN2002 RAGNAR, ONCOVID-21, ADP-0044-002 SPEARHEAD 1, PROTONBIOMARKS: biomarqueurs_ péd et adultes, PASCA: PArcours de Santé au cours du CAncer, LENVAGIST: ph II_lenvatinib + MSS vs MSS_GIST, RAR-IMMUNE, KETACANCER , 208467 IGNYTE ESO, CHIC STS 01, Ce NGEPS-GMFMel ("RIC MEL") , ANRS0001S CoV-POPART , RTSG 2016 UMBRELLA , SUDOPED, PRESOV, REGOMAIN, EORTC 1809STRASS 2, PLANET, AMPHISARC: Ph I/II, OP2C - Observatoire, SACHA: Etude prospective obs_péd, MIRAS, EORTC QLG: sarcome _ QDV, GERICO 14 , ATEZOGIST, GSK 213406, DUNE, AVIATOR2020, FHD-609-C-001, ZN-c3-003, RADIOSARC: MR004 RT _sarcome tissus mous , INBRX109: ph II_ INBRX-109 chondrosarcome, BI 1403-0008, OSII-TTP, MK7902-013, THERAC, PTC596-ONC-008, FaR-RMS, TARSARC : Ph II_ sarcome tissus mous ATR, STEREOSARC, FORTEe : Fort contre le cancer, RAIN-3201 MANTRA, TPN-RAD, IMPRESARC, OSE-279 - C101, ADCT-601-102, TRacKING, PICCandGLUE, GO42286, PH-L19TNFDOX2-03/16 FIBROSARC, TORNADO, NB003-01, BEVANEC, PM1183-C-010-22, DEBOUT-HOSPIT, PH-L19TNFSARC-03/18 FLASH: sarcome tissus mous, IDRX-42-001, PROPHYLOXITIN, SarQuantIRM, CGT9486-21-301(PEAK), AcSé – Vemurafenib , PEMBROCABOSARC, HYPOSARC, PM1183-C-010-22 SALUDO |
ID : 1115
Type : Free value Content : TEXT Mandatory : No Multiple values : No Unique : No |
Description :
ID : 1117
Type : Constrained Content : TEXT Mandatory : No Multiple values : No Unique : No |
Description : Établissement dans lequel le patient est inclus dans l'essai clinique |
Possible values :
CC Bordeaux CLCC/CHU, CC Lyon CLCC/CHU, CC IGR, CE Angers CLCC/CHU, CE Besançon CLCC/CHU, CE Caen CLCC/CHU, CE Clermond-Ferrand CLCC/CHU, CE Dijon CLCC/CHU, CE La Réunion, CE Lille CLCC/CHU, CE Limoges CHU, CE Marseille CHU Timone, CE Marseille CLCC, CE Montpellier CLCC/CHU, CE Nancy CLCC/CHU, CE Nantes CLCC, CE Nantes CHU, CE Nice CLCC/CHU, CE Paris Pitié Salpétrière, CE Paris Tenon , CE Paris Cochin, CE Paris Curie , CE Paris Saint Louis, CE Reims CLCC/CHU, CE Rennes/Brest CLCC/CHU, CE Rouen CLCC/CHU, CE Strasbourg CLCC/CHU, CE Toulouse CLCC/CHU, CE Tours CHU, Autre |
Version 5.4.5 |